About Us
Runwell Village Pre-School is a well established registered company pre-school, a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance, a Registered Charity and has an excellent Ofsted Inspection Report which can be viewed on the Ofsted website www.ofsted.gov.uk
The Pre-School Learning Alliance is a national voluntary organisation, registered as an educational charity, whose aim is to enhance the development and education of children by encouraging parents to understand and to provide for the needs of their children through community pre-schools.
The pre-school is managed by a voluntary Committee of Trustees, which is made up of parents of children attending the pre-school and any other interested parties. It is a great way to get more involved with the pre-school, make some new friends, have lots of fun and really feel like you are doing your bit. Even if you can only spare a little time it is always greatly appreciated.
Our premises are a light and very spacious permanent building, consisting of two playrooms and two outside play areas, allowing the children room for a large variety of experiences covering all areas of development.
The pre-school is a non-profit making organisation with all income being spent on running expenses including rent of premises, staff salaries and insurance. Then on consumable items such as paint, paper, glue, sand etc., and finally, on equipment, some new and some replacements of items which have worn out. We have a very high standard of equipment and aim to maintain this.
The pre-school is registered for 30 children per session, aged between 2 years and school age, however children would not generally join us before the age of 2½ unless in exceptional circumstances as detailed within our policy documents. We are registered for the funding of eligible 2 year olds and 3 / 4 year olds.