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Our "Local Offer"

1. How our setting knows if young children need extra help and what our parent/carers should do if they think their child may have SEND. 

Runwell Village Pre-School staff work in partnership from the very beginning through home visits, inductions and daily contact with parents and carers. Staff are skilled in assessing and identifying developmental support if required. 


2. How our setting support young children with SEND.

Each child has their own key person to help identify and to support children’s needs. We have two named       SENCO’s and have completed Autism training, Elklan Level 3 accredited training, ENCO, Visual Impairment, IDP. We work in partnership with the area SENCO team which includes SLT, Health Visitor, Children’s Centres, Specialist Teachers and Support Staff.  Parents/carers are at the forefront of any discussions held to support their child.


3. How our setting creates learning and development opportunities for individual children with SEND.

 Each child has their own (Leaning Journals) which is compiled by the child, key person and    
parent/carers. This follows the EYFS Curriculum. All activities are adapted for each child’s learning style and need. We are also able to source appropriate resources if required.


4. How our setting works in partnership with parent/carers.

We value parent/carers vital role in all aspects in a child’s development and work closely by having daily contact to enables us to share progress and any concerns/needs. We also work closely with the children’s centre and educational and health professionals and can advise of any additional training or events to support them and their child. 


5. How our setting supports the wellbeing of young children with SEND.

All children are supported through a range of methods depending on specific need. We ensure daily risk assessments are carried out. All medical needs are discussed with parent/carers at their home visit/inductions and this may include personal care and medications. All staff are consistent in promoting positive behaviour  and will encourage each individual child/parent/carer in supporting this. 


6. Staff training and experience in supporting young children with SEND.

Our SENCO staff are trained to provide a range of additional support. Any training undertaken is cascaded to each individual key person.  We have nine level 3 staff and ten staff with Paediatric first aid certificates. We have a designated person for safe guarding as well as a health and safety officer. 


7. Specialist services and expertise accessed by our setting.

We are able to access local specialist services as and when required.


8. How our setting includes young children with SEND in community based activities and outings. 

All children are invited to take part in all activities and trips offered. Discussions will be held with parent/carers prior to these activities and a full risk assessment will be undertaken.  This may include 1:1 support or parent/carers participation. 


9. Our accessible environment . 

Our building, toilets and outside area are fully wheelchair accessible, including a foldable ramp if required. 
Visual timetables and symbols support children with routines and communication. We are able to work in partnership to access any specialist equipment if required. For children and families who’s first language is not English we shall seek support from external agencies as and when required. 


10. How our setting prepares and supports young children with SEND when joining the setting and when transferring to another setting or school. 

Runwell pre-school offers induction visits, home visits and settling sessions prior to children joining us.
We work in partnership with our feeder schools to enable a smooth transition to take place. This may also include teacher visits to our pre-school as well as any specialist teams. 


11. How our setting organises its resources to meet the needs of young children with SEND.

We have a high staff to child ratio and can provide 1:1 support if required. We are also able to access additional funding to support your child (subject to criteria).  Our area SENCO team are able to lend resources to support individual children’s needs. 


12. How we decide on the appropriate support for young children with SEND.

The pre-school staff observe children through the early years foundation stage and ages and stages of development. Discussions are held with parent/carers, key person and SENCO to identify any extra support if required. We will work in partnership with external agencies and set appropriate targets.  Internal meetings are held monthly to enable all staff to support each unique child in our setting. 


13. How we involve parent/carers in our setting.

Runwell Village Pre-School is an incorporated pre-school with charitable status. This is made up of a committee of parents as our trustees. We have an open door policy where parents/carers are invited to be part of the pre-school community. We also have a parent/carer rota which enables them to come and join in. We believe that parents/carers are key in providing the best outcomes for their children in both education and care. 


14. Who to contact for further information.

Lynn Bridger (pre-school supervisor)
Debbie Albon (SENCO) 
Are available if required.

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